Eagle Pointer 05.10.2014
Eagle Pointer 5/4 - 5/10/2014
Safety and Security
Coyote Alert
I live at the corner of Eagle Point Circle and Eagle Point Drive where they have been clearing one of the lots, and we just watched a coyote walk across the dirt road. We hear them howling at night frequently but have never seen them in the daytime. Watch your kids and pets!
Suspicious Activity
There have been fewer incidents in the neighborhood the last few weeks. Thanks to everyone who is being vigilant and calling the sheriff when you see suspicious activity or vehicles and people who look out of place.
The Shelby County Sheriff non-emergency number is 205-669-4181. The Sheriff encourages you to call anytime you see something suspicious or if you feel unsafe.
Remember that Eagle Point has No Solicitation signs posted at all entrances to the neighborhood. If you see someone going door to door, or if someone comes to your door, please call The Sheriff and they will respond. We have a good relationship with all the deputies and they are happy to address the solicitors.
Speeding continues to be a problem in the neighborhood. Please remember that as the weather continues to get warmer and there is daylight later in the day there will be more children outside playing. Please slow down and be careful. Remind your teenage drivers as well.
Yard Signs
Eagle Point has a strict no yard sign policy. It is part of the covenants and it is specifically addressed for the benefit of the community. Eagle Point is a premier community and we need to maintain the beauty of the neighborhood by keeping our yards neat and clear of advertising.
Currently there are signs up and down the main road advertising political candidates, Vacation Bible School, painting companies and roofing companies. Most of these signs are not offensive to anyone, they just look sloppy in otherwise well-kept yards. What we don’t want is to set a precedent where we have to allow signs for organizations that may be offensive to the neighborhood. Please be considerate of all your neighbors and remove the signs from your yards.
Lakes in Eagle Point
There have been several inquiries to the HOA office this week about the lakes in Eagle Point. All of the lakes in Eagle Point are private property and are under the jurisdiction of the homeowners. Many of the lakes have no trespassing signs posted.
• The water behind Baumhowers is also on private property and is a retention pond for storm water runoff.
• The lake in the office park near the highway 280 entrance is owned by the office park and is considered a private lake as well.
Please remember to be a good neighbor and a good pet parent. There are a couple of hot spots in the neighborhood where the HOA office gets almost daily complaints about barking dogs. If your dog is barking constantly or late at night and early in the morning please address it before it becomes a trip to the vet or a complaint to the HOA office.
Neighbor to Neighbor
Cfood Express
Cfood Express is going to the gulf weekly and will deliver to your door. Call Clay 586-9774
• Jumbo shrimp $12.00 lb.
• Large shrimp $10.50 lb
• Grouper / Snapper- $16.50 lb.
• Cobia / Flounder/ Mahi /Amberjack/ Trigger $14.00 lb
Eagle Point Swim & Tennis Club opens this weekend. Pay fees and get badges. Saturday 10-6 and Sunday 1-6.
• Transferrable Pool Membership for sale $450.00 Contact Sue ..... at .......... or at ...........net
Take advantage of the Eagle Pointer and submit your ideas and items to [email protected] for an opportunity to reach your neighbors and the residents of the Eagle Point Community.
The next Board Meeting will be held Monday, May 12th at 6:00 p.m.
Deadline to appear in the next week’s Eagle Pointer: Monday by midnight.
We would appreciate any feedback on this newsletter! Please send a note to [email protected].
The mission of the Eagle Point Homeowners Association is to enhance the quality of life in our neighborhood by facilitating the safety, security, and social interaction of all our residents. The further mission is to increase the property values of individual homes through community improvements and maintenance while supporting our board of directors through volunteering our time and talents to accomplish these goals.
Eagle Pointer 05.17.2014
Eagle Pointer 5/11 - 5/17/2014
Local road resurfacing set to begin in June
Shelby County officials anticipate the state will start resurfacing work in June on Cahaba Valley Trace and Caldwell Mill Road off Alabama 119, as well as resurfacing work on Valleydale Road from Caldwell Mill Road to U.S. 280.
The County's goal is to complete most of the resurfacing work before school returns in August. Resurfacing work on Valleydale Road will likely be done at night to minimize traffic congestion, citing 20,000 cars travel Valleydale Road daily. - See more at: http://www.shelbycountyreporter.com/2014/05/12/road-resurfacing-set-to-begin-in-county/#sthash.BPB29E9M.dpuf
Safety and Security
Coyote Alert
I live at the corner of Eagle Point Circle and Eagle Point Drive where they have been clearing one of the lots, and we just watched a coyote walk across the dirt road. We hear them howling at night frequently but have never seen them in the daytime. Watch your kids and pets!
Suspicious Activity
There have been fewer incidents in the neighborhood the last few weeks. Thanks to everyone who is being vigilant and calling the sheriff when you see suspicious activity or vehicles and people who look out of place.
The Shelby County Sheriff non-emergency number is 205-669-4181. The Sheriff encourages you to call anytime you see something suspicious or if you feel unsafe.
Remember that Eagle Point has No Solicitation signs posted at all entrances to the neighborhood. If you see someone going door to door, or if someone comes to your door, please call The Sheriff and they will respond. We have a good relationship with all the deputies and they are happy to address the solicitors.
Speeding continues to be a problem in the neighborhood. Please remember that as the weather continues to get warmer and there is daylight later in the day there will be more children outside playing. Please slow down and be careful. Remind your teenage drivers as well.
Yard Signs
Eagle Point has a strict no yard sign policy. It is part of the covenants and it is specifically addressed for the benefit of the community. Eagle Point is a premier community and we need to maintain the beauty of the neighborhood by keeping our yards neat and clear of advertising.
Currently there are signs up and down the main road advertising political candidates, Vacation Bible School, painting companies and roofing companies. Most of these signs are not offensive to anyone, they just look sloppy in otherwise well-kept yards. What we don’t want is to set a precedent where we have to allow signs for organizations that may be offensive to the neighborhood. Please be considerate of all your neighbors and remove the signs from your yards.
Lakes in Eagle Point
There have been several inquiries to the HOA office this week about the lakes in Eagle Point. All of the lakes in Eagle Point are private property and are under the jurisdiction of the homeowners. Many of the lakes have no trespassing signs posted.
• The water behind Baumhowers is also on private property and is a retention pond for storm water runoff.
• The lake in the office park near the highway 280 entrance is owned by the office park and is considered a private lake as well.
Neighbor to Neighbor
Cfood Express
Cfood Express is going to the gulf weekly and will deliver to your door. Call Clay 586-9774 •Jumbo shrimp $12.00 lb.
• Large shrimp $10.50 lb
• Grouper / Snapper- $16.50 lb.
• Cobia / Flounder/ Mahi /Amberjack/ Trigger $14.00 lb
Good Neighbor
I need to borrow a 12-foot step ladder to clean an interior window. I will pick up and bring back in less than an hour if you have one I can borrow. Please call ......... Thank you.
Summer Job Needed
My name is .......... and I’m available for yard work and pet care. Contact me at .........
My name is ..... and I am 15 years old and a resident in Eagle Point. If you are looking for a baby sitter please give me a call ..........
Missing Dog
We have a neighbor who is missing his dog. Dazy (Princess Dazy) is a one year old female, shepherd mix. She is wearing a collar with name and contact info. A $200 reward is being offered for her return. Please contact ..............
Pool will be open this weekend Saturday from 10:00am to 6:00pm and Sunday from 1:00pm to 6:00pm. Then on Friday the 23rd at 4:00pm we will be open for the Summer. Monday - Saturday 10:00am - 8:00pm and Sunday 1:00pm - 8:00pm.
Membership can pay dues and pick up badges again this weekend at the Pool!
Take advantage of the Eagle Pointer and submit your ideas and items to [email protected] for an opportunity to reach your neighbors and the residents of the Eagle Point Community.
The next Board Meeting will be held Monday, June 9th at 6:00 p.m.
Deadline to appear in the next week’s Eagle Pointer: Monday by midnight.
We would appreciate any feedback on this newsletter! Please send a note to [email protected].
The mission of the Eagle Point Homeowners Association is to enhance the quality of life in our neighborhood by facilitating the safety, security, and social interaction of all our residents. The further mission is to increase the property values of individual homes through community improvements and maintenance while supporting our board of directors through volunteering our time and talents to accomplish these goals.
Eagle Pointer 05.24.2014
Eagle Pointer 5/18 - 5/24/2014
Safety and Security
Several homeowners have inquired about the alert descriptions which are broadcast by the Realtime Security Alert System (RSAS).
[for residents only - see newsletter in email]
You may always contact:
Shelby County Sheriff's Office
(205) 669-4181
If you have not already signed-up, please login to our website at www.ephoa.org and click the tab labeled "ALERTS RSAS".
Yard Signs
Eagle Point has a strict no yard sign policy. It is part of the covenants and it is specifically addressed for the benefit of the community. Eagle Point is a premier community and we need to maintain the beauty of the neighborhood by keeping our yards neat and clear of advertising.
Currently there are signs up and down the main road advertising political candidates, Vacation Bible School, painting companies and roofing companies. Most of these signs are not offensive to anyone, they just look sloppy in otherwise well-kept yards. What we don’t want is to set a precedent where we have to allow signs for organizations that may be offensive to the neighborhood. Please be considerate of all your neighbors and remove the signs from your yards.
Lakes in Eagle Point
There have been several inquiries to the HOA office this week about the lakes in Eagle Point. All of the lakes in Eagle Point are private property and are under the jurisdiction of the homeowners. Many of the lakes have no trespassing signs posted.
• The water behind Baumhowers is also on private property and is a retention pond for storm water runoff.
• The lake in the office park near the highway 280 entrance is owned by the office park and is considered a private lake as well.
Neighbor to Neighbor
Cfood Express
Cfood Express is going to the gulf weekly and will deliver to your door. Call Clay 586-9774
• Jumbo shrimp $12.00 lb.
• Large shrimp $10.50 lb
• Grouper / Snapper- $16.50 lb.
• Cobia / Flounder/ Mahi /Amberjack/ Trigger $14.00 lb
Local Business
One2One Physical Therapy is a new business located in the Eagle Point office park. Owner, Kaye Sharp promotes overall wellness. For this reason, she is organizing a Manna Market (organic, non-GMO, mostly locally grown) produce drop off for Eagle Point. Six members are required to create a new dropoff location. If you are interested, please email [email protected]. Descriptions of the packages and the prices are available at http://www.mannamkt.com/ordering.html and the order form may be found at http://nebula.wsimg.com/e4a2138b65f762e658a8cb4cf8fa44fc?AccessKeyId=44602067E4372BC49B38&disposition=0&alloworigin=1 or you may pick one up at the EPHOA office.
Summer Job Needed
My name is Jake ....... and I’m available for yard work and pet care. Contact me at ........
Baby and Pet Sitting
• Eagle Point Petsitter available! Book for your pet's care for your summer vacation now! Call your neighborhood pet sitter at ....... today! Affordable and dependable adult.
• Summer Nanny/Babysitter available 3 to 4 days per week. College Student and long time resident of Eagle Point. Please call Marcy ......
• Hi, my name is Grace .....; I will be 16 this summer and would love to baby sit for you! Eagle point resident. Have experience. Please call me at .......
• Transferable pool Membership for sale $450 or best offer. Please contact Laura ......
• Transferable pool membership available for sale - $500 obo. Please contact Angie ...... if interested.
• Transferable pool membership for sale for $300. Contact Kelly ........
Take advantage of the Eagle Pointer and submit your ideas and items to [email protected] for an opportunity to reach your neighbors and the residents of the Eagle Point Community.
The next Board Meeting will be held Monday, June 9th at 6:00 p.m.
Deadline to appear in the next week’s Eagle Pointer: Monday by midnight.
We would appreciate any feedback on this newsletter! Please send a note to [email protected].
The mission of the Eagle Point Homeowners Association is to enhance the quality of life in our neighborhood by facilitating the safety, security, and social interaction of all our residents. The further mission is to increase the property values of individual homes through community improvements and maintenance while supporting our board of directors through volunteering our time and talents to accomplish these goals.
Eagle Pointer 05.31.2014
Eagle Pointer 5/24 - 5/31/2014
Safety and Security
With children out of school for the summer and warmer weather, please remember the basic rules of the road:
PARENTS, tell you children to ride their bikes WITH traffic.
CHILDREN, tell you parents to walk AGAINST traffic.
Yard Signs
Eagle Point has a strict no yard sign policy. It is part of the covenants and it is specifically addressed for the benefit of the community. Eagle Point is a premier community and we need to maintain the beauty of the neighborhood by keeping our yards neat and clear of advertising.
Currently there are signs up and down the main road advertising political candidates, Vacation Bible School, painting companies and roofing companies. Most of these signs are not offensive to anyone, they just look sloppy in otherwise well-kept yards. What we don’t want is to set a precedent where we have to allow signs for organizations that may be offensive to the neighborhood. Please be considerate of all your neighbors and remove the signs from your yards.
Local Business
Cfood Express
Cfood Express is going to the gulf weekly and will deliver to your door. Call Clay 586-9774 •Jumbo shrimp $12.00 lb.
• Large shrimp $10.50 lb
• Grouper / Snapper- $16.50 lb.
• Cobia / Flounder/ Mahi /Amberjack/ Trigger $14.00 lb
One2One Physical Therapy is a new business located in the Eagle Point office park. Owner, Kaye Sharp promotes overall wellness. For this reason, she is organizing a Manna Market (organic, non-GMO, mostly locally grown) produce drop off for Eagle Point. Six members are required to create a new dropoff location. If you are interested, please email [email protected]. Descriptions of the packages and the prices are available at http://www.mannamkt.com/ordering.html and the order form may be found at http://nebula.wsimg.com/e4a2138b65f762e658a8cb4cf8fa44fc?AccessKeyId=44602067E4372BC49B38&disposition=0&alloworigin=1 or you may pick one up at the EPHOA office.
Summer Job Needed
My name is Jake ..... and I’m available for yard work and pet care. Contact me at ......
Baby and Pet Sitting
• Eagle Point Petsitter available! Book for your pet's care for your summer vacation now! Call your neighborhood pet sitter at: ...... today! Affordable and dependable adult.
• Summer Nanny/Babysitter available 3 to 4 days per week. College Student and long time resident of Eagle Point. Please call Marcy ......
• Hi, my name is Grace....; I will be 16 this summer and would love to baby sit for you! Eagle point resident. Have experience. Please call me at ........
Take advantage of the Eagle Pointer and submit your ideas and items to [email protected] for an opportunity to reach your neighbors and the residents of the Eagle Point Community.
The next Board Meeting will be held Monday, June 16th at 6:00 p.m.
Deadline to appear in the next week’s Eagle Pointer: Monday by midnight.
We would appreciate any feedback on this newsletter! Please send a note to [email protected].
The mission of the Eagle Point Homeowners Association is to enhance the quality of life in our neighborhood by facilitating the safety, security, and social interaction of all our residents. The further mission is to increase the property values of individual homes through community improvements and maintenance while supporting our board of directors through volunteering our time and talents to accomplish these goals.
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