Eagle Pointer 05.03.2013
EAGLE POINTER 4/28/2013 - 5/3/2013
Most of us with school aged children are familiar with coupon books. The 2013 coupon campaign netted more than $165,000 for Shelby County Schools this year. Congratulations to all the student winners! The complete article can be read at http://www.shelbycountyreporter.com/2013/04/26/coupon-campaign-nets-165000-for-shelby-county-school/.
With summer quickly approaching many of us will be getting ready to travel on family vacations. Yahoo! Homes recently posted an article on how to protect your home from burglars. The informative article is at http://homes.yahoo.com/news/protect-home-from-burglars-005405786.html.
Here are the tips mentioned to protect your home from burglars:
1. Secure your doors and windows
2. Loud dog
3. A home security system
4. Motion sensor lights
5. Surveillance cameras
6. Protection warning signs
7. Trimmed and tidy yard
8. The appearance that someone is home
9. Helpful neighbors
The dumpsters at Your Office are for Your Office tenants only. Someone is filling it up with household garbage as soon as it is emptied. Your Office has not been able to find an address but it seems to be someone who is moving in or out (or cleaning out their basement) based on the type of garbage being trashed. They seem to know the pickup schedule since they fill it up as soon as it is emptied. Please do NOT use the business dumpsters for your garbage. Waste Management has the Bagster bag which holds up to 3,500 lbs of debris. The bags can be purchased at any local home improvement store and with one call Waste Management will come and haul it away for a $99.00 fee for the first bag. Go to www.thebagster.com for more information.
Our wastewater treatment (sewer) system, owned and operated by Southwest Water Company (SWWC), contains a series of "Lift Stations" throughout the service area. You probably have noticed several such stations in Eagle Point, which include some electrical equipment, a pump, and a concrete slab. We have experienced repeated failures at the station located at Eagle Point Drive and Farley Lane (adjacent to Eagle Trace), including on Thursday 5/2. This has resulted in the discharge of raw untreated wastewater into our properties and storm sewer system. If you observe any problems with these Lift Stations in Eagle Point, please contact the SWWC Emergency Line at 408.1990 and advise the EPHOA at [email protected]. We will collect data and report to the company and the state authorities, and we will require corrective action by SWWC.
The EPHOA routinely receives complaints regarding speeding vehicles in our neighborhood. If you encounter any dangerous driving that should be dealt with immediately, please call the Shelby County Sheriff's department at 669-4181. Otherwise, please record the date and time of incident along with the driver's tag number and submit this information to the EPHOA at [email protected]. The EPHOA will then submit this information to the sheriff. We believe that encouraging all residents to participate in this feature of the neighborhood watch will increase safety in our neighborhood.
As most of you have noticed, several signs and utility boxes in Eagle Point were vandalized with graffiti in March 2013. Similar graffiti was drawn on both public and private property, including the Eagle Point Swim & Tennis Club sign, utility boxes on Eagle Crest Road, the Eagle Point Covenant Awareness sign at the Highway 119 entrance, and public road signs near the Highway 119 entrance. We encourage anyone with knowledge of this criminal behavior to contact the Shelby County Sheriff's Office at 205.669.4181. The HOA is working to repair the costly damage, which requires using funds which were budgeted for other items in Eagle Point. Please let us know as well if you have any helpful information about the graffiti, by emailing us at [email protected].
Neighbor to Neighbor
Envirocare Pest and Lawn Services now offers our much needed mosquito control! If interested, please call Kevin Wedgworth, an Eagle Point resident, at 447~9394 or [email protected]
EPS&T For Sale
• Transferable Pool Membership: $350 e-mail ......
Vacation Rentals:
We are offering a week in Destin for half price? We are unable to use our timeshare week at Hidden Dunes in Destin on August 17-23, 2013. It is a $1,600 value but asking only $900 for a 2 bedroom/2 bath condo. If interested, please contact .......
It's time to plan your Spring Break or Summer Vacation. Rent from an Eagle Point neighbor. We have been investing and renting beach properties in the Destin and Sandestin area for over 8 years now. See vrbo.com/103999 and vrbo.com/41469. Contact .......
For Sale:
Marcy Weight Machine for sale. Good condition. $100 or best offer. Call ........
Take advantage of the Eagle Pointer and submit your ideas and items to [email protected] for an opportunity to reach your neighbors and the residents of the Eagle Point Community.
The next Board Meeting will be held Tuesday, May 14th at 6:00 p.m.
Deadline to appear in the next week’s Eagle Pointer: Wednesday by midnight.
We would appreciate any feedback on this newsletter! Please send a note to [email protected].
Eagle Pointer 05.11.2013
EAGLE POINTER 5/5/2013 - 5/11/2013
Fuller addresses state legislation and safety plans
Shelby County Schools Superintendent Randy Fuller addressed pending state legislation that could affect county schools during the Shelby County Board of Education’s May 7 meeting. Fuller also said the school system plans to present the board with a new safety/security plans in a few weeks. Dr. Lewis Brooks has led the committee working on the plan. The article can be read at http://www.shelbycountyreporter.com/2013/05/07/fuller-address-legislative-issues-schools-safety-plan/.
Chelsea man starts organization to pay law enforcement in local schools
A Chelsea man recently started an organization that aims to have trained law enforcement officers in Shelby County schools by August. Mike Echols, a father of two children who attend Shelby County schools, founded the Committee for Safer Schools in mid-March. The organization will provide financial support to local law enforcement agencies to place a sheriff’s deputy in every school to protect students against “individuals whose aim is to commit violent acts within our schools,” according to the organization’s website. Go to http://www.shelbycountyreporter.com/2013/05/09/chelsea-man-starts-organization-to-raise-funds-for-sheriffs-deputies-in-local-schools/ for more information.
Safety and Security
The EPHOA has developed the Realtime Security Alert System (RSAS) to quickly communicate potential safety and security-related issues to the residents of Eagle Point. The RSAS enables users to receive SMS text messages or emails related to street names in Eagle Point subdivision, as such notices are published on the website of the Shelby County Sheriff’s Office Dispatch Log (http://shelbyso.com/ or http://dispatchlog.shelbyal.com). The RSAS continuously monitors the ShelbySO Dispatch Log for activity involving street names in Eagle Point subdivision, and automatically sends Alerts via SMS text message to the EPHOA Safety & Security Monitors. The Monitors will immediately assess the content of the Alert and use judgment and established priority guidelines to determine whether to broadcast the Alert to the entire Network. Eagle Point residents may log in at the homepage (http://www.ephoa.org/) and click on the link at the top labeled "ALERTS RSAS" to review terms of use and subscribe to the RSAS.
Neighbor to Neighbor
EPS&T For Sale
• Transferable Pool Membership: $200 e-mail ........
For Sale:
Baby bed and mattress for sale in excellent condition. Baby swing used once also for sale. Perfect for Grandparents home. $125.00 total. Contact ........
Honda HRX217HXA mower, self-propelled, rear bagger, hydrostatic transmission. Everything works perfectly and just serviced. I used this at my home only, no commercial use. Current new replacement is over $700 asking $350. If interested contact ........
Three Keeshounds free to good homes, may be separated. They are 10 years old and must be relocated quickly due to city ordinances. They are 30-50 pounds and are looking for a loving home. Please contact Megan ...... if you are interested in one or more.
Help Wanted:
Lawn help needed. This is a great opportunity for older high school or college kids. I want to plant a few scrubs, ferns, etc but can’t. I've had a spinal fusion and need help with that kind of work. If interested, contact .........
Vacation Rentals:
We are offering a week in Destin for half price? We are unable to use our timeshare week at Hidden Dunes in Destin on August 17-23, 2013. It is a $1,600 value but asking only $900 for a 2 bedroom/2 bath condo. If interested, please contact ........
It's time to plan your summer vacation. Rent from an Eagle Point neighbor. We have been investing and renting beach properties in the Destin and Sandestin area for over 8 years now. See vrbo.com/103999 and vrbo.com/41469. Contact ........
Eagle Point Businesses
Thank you to everyone in Eagle Point who has used the services of Washed Pressure Washing, a locally owned pressure washing business. If you have any pressure washing needs please contact us at 202-9274 or [email protected]. We offer free quotes and superior service. Thank you again to everyone who has chosen Washed Pressure Washing over the past 2 years!
Envirocare Pest and Lawn Services now offers our much needed mosquito control! If interested, please call Kevin Wedgworth, an Eagle Point resident, at 447~9394 or [email protected].
Take advantage of the Eagle Pointer and submit your ideas and items to [email protected] for an opportunity to reach your neighbors and the residents of the Eagle Point Community.
The next Board Meeting will be held Tuesday, May 14th at 6:00 p.m.
Deadline to appear in the next week’s Eagle Pointer: Wednesday by midnight.
We would appreciate any feedback on this newsletter! Please send a note to [email protected].
Eagle Pointer 05.18.2013
EAGLE POINTER 5/12/2013 - 5/18/2013
Sheriff worried because of budget shortfall, reduced services
Shelby County Sheriff Chris Curry reiterated concerns about the sheriff’s office’s ability to serve citizens effectively due to lower budgets during a budget review May 13. According to a presentation, the sheriff’s office is facing a budget shortfall of about $378,000 from salaries and other costs. The sheriff’s office budget for fiscal year 2013, which comes in at about $19.5 million, is down more than $2 million from the budget high point in 2009, when the sheriff’s office had $21.7 million in funds. Capt. Ken Burchfield, who prepares the budget for the sheriff’s office, said that while the budget numbers have dropped, costs such as salary obligations have risen — which provides little discretionary spending in the event of an emergency situation. Check out the article at http://www.shelbycountyreporter.com/2013/05/13/sheriff-worried-because-of-budget-shortfall-reduced-services/
The Eagle Point Golf Association
Presents The 16th Annual Eagle Point Challenge
Saturday June 1
Eagle Point Golf Club – Shotgun start 2:00 p.m.
Format: Four Person Scramble
Dinner & Prizes Following Tournament
(Includes golf, cart, range balls, dinner & prizes)
By putting together a team and playing you can change the life of a veteran forever.
Funds raised Support a program for Homeless Veterans
Sign up today! Deadline: May 30, [email protected]
Neighbor to Neighbor
Vacation Rentals:
We are offering a week in Destin for half price? We are unable to use our timeshare week at Hidden Dunes in Destin on August 17-23, 2013. It is a $1,600 value but asking only $900 for a 2 bedroom/2 bath condo. If interested, please contact ........
It's time to plan your summer vacation. Rent from an Eagle Point neighbor. We have been investing and renting beach properties in the Destin and Sandestin area for over 8 years now. See vrbo.com/103999 and vrbo.com/41469. Contact ..........
Safety and Security
The EPHOA has developed the Realtime Security Alert System (RSAS) to quickly communicate potential safety and security-related issues to the residents of Eagle Point. The RSAS enables users to receive SMS text messages or emails related to street names in Eagle Point subdivision, as such notices are published on the website of the Shelby County Sheriff’s Office Dispatch Log (http://shelbyso.com/ or http://dispatchlog.shelbyal.com). The RSAS continuously monitors the ShelbySO Dispatch Log for activity involving street names in Eagle Point subdivision, and automatically sends Alerts via SMS text message to the EPHOA Safety & Security Monitors. The Monitors will immediately assess the content of the Alert and use judgment and established priority guidelines to determine whether to broadcast the Alert to the entire Network. Eagle Point residents may log in at the homepage (http://www.ephoa.org/) and click on the link at the top labeled "ALERTS RSAS" to review terms of use and subscribe to the RSAS.
Eagle Point Businesses
The Derma Loft - Facials, Chemical Peels, Waxing and Body Treatments
Grand Opening in Eagle Point exclusive deals for Eagle Point residents - Get ready for summer with a Bikini & Leg Wax only $59.00 or try a chemical peel 50% off when you book online www.thedermaloft.com or 205-314-5758
Pressure Washing
Thank you to everyone in Eagle Point who has used the services of Washed Pressure Washing, a locally owned pressure washing business. If you have any pressure washing needs please contact us at 202-9274 or [email protected]. We offer free quotes and superior service. Thank you again to everyone who has chosen Washed Pressure Washing over the past 2 years!
Envirocare Pest and Lawn Services
Envirocare Pest and Lawn Services now offers our much needed mosquito control! If interested, please call Kevin Wedgworth, an Eagle Point resident, at 447~9394 or [email protected].
Take advantage of the Eagle Pointer and submit your ideas and items to [email protected] for an opportunity to reach your neighbors and the residents of the Eagle Point Community.
The next Board Meeting will be held Tuesday, May 21st at 6:00 p.m.
Deadline to appear in the next week’s Eagle Pointer: Wednesday by midnight.
We would appreciate any feedback on this newsletter! Please send a note to [email protected].
Eagle Pointer 05.25.2013
EAGLE POINTER 5/19/2013 - 5/25/2013
County Board of Education discusses school security
Shelby County Schools Superintendent Randy Fuller said he hopes to present board members with a comprehensive and sustainable school security plan “in the coming weeks.” The remarks came during the May 16 Shelby County Board of Education meeting. Fuller said Dr. Lewis Brooks, assistant superintendent of administration, has been working on a school security plan this spring. The rest of the article may be read at http://www.shelbycountyreporter.com/2013/05/16/county-board-of-education-discusses-school-security/.
Trinity gets Supreme Court go-ahead for hospital on U.S. 280
The Alabama Supreme Court today ruled in favor of Trinity Medical Center’s relocation to the now-vacant HealthSouth building on U.S. 280. The Supreme Court refused to consider Brookwood Medical Center and St. Vincent’s Hospital’s continued arguments against Trinity’s relocation, according to a Trinity release. The Supreme Court ruling cannot be appealed, meaning that Trinity now has a clear path to opening its hospital. Complete article can be found at http://www.shelbycountyreporter.com/2013/05/17/trinity-gets-supreme-court-go-ahead-for-hospital-on-u-s-280/.
ALDOT awards bid for intersection improvements on U.S. 280
The Alabama Department of Transportation announced May 17 it has awarded a $15.6 million project, which will improve 27 intersections along U.S. 280 in Shelby and Jefferson counties. The project was awarded to Dunn Construction and APAC Mid-South Inc. of Birmingham as a joint venture, according to an ALDOT statement. The intersections are along a stretch of about nine miles on U.S. 280 between Hollywood Boulevard and Hugh Daniel Drive. During construction, workers will add turn lanes and make changes in traffic signals to reduce congestion. Work requiring lane closures must be done between 7 p.m. and 6 a.m. each day, according to the statement. Work recently began on the project, which is expected to be complete by late November.
Neighbor to Neighbor
Waste Management Garbage Cans
Just a friendly reminder, Waste Management garbage cans are to be placed within five (5) feet of the road and not in the road.
Painted Curbs
We are attempting to locate the individuals or company who painted curb numbers in our neighborhood several months ago. Does anyone in Eagle Point have any information on the company? If so, please contact Virginia ........
For Sale:
Baker's rack; youth desk & chair; armoire/media cabinet; office desk; computer monitor/keyboard/mouse, printer; bookshelves, King bedding/throw pillows/curtains; Full/Queen bedding; linens; toys; games; books; clothes; shoes; seasonal decor; dishes; home decor and more. Call .......
Young male cat, tan color, owner needs to be found. Wandering Talon Cove area. Call the office at 205.314.5793 with information.
Vacation Rentals:
We are offering a week in Destin for half price? We are unable to use our timeshare week at Hidden Dunes in Destin on August 17-23, 2013. It is a $1,600 value but asking only $900 for a 2 bedroom/2 bath condo. If interested, please contact ........
It's time to plan your summer vacation. Rent from an Eagle Point neighbor. We have been investing and renting beach properties in the Destin and Sandestin area for over 8 years now. See vrbo.com/103999 and vrbo.com/41469. Contact .........
Safety and Security
The EPHOA has developed the Realtime Security Alert System (RSAS) to quickly communicate potential safety and security-related issues to the residents of Eagle Point. The RSAS enables users to receive SMS text messages or emails related to street names in Eagle Point subdivision, as such notices are published on the website of the Shelby County Sheriff’s Office Dispatch Log (http://shelbyso.com/ or http://dispatchlog.shelbyal.com). The RSAS continuously monitors the ShelbySO Dispatch Log for activity involving street names in Eagle Point subdivision, and automatically sends Alerts via SMS text message to the EPHOA Safety & Security Monitors. The Monitors will immediately assess the content of the Alert and use judgment and established priority guidelines to determine whether to broadcast the Alert to the entire Network. Eagle Point residents may log in at the homepage (http://www.ephoa.org/) and click on the link at the top labeled "ALERTS RSAS" to review terms of use and subscribe to the RSAS.
Eagle Point Businesses
The Derma Loft - Facials, Chemical Peels, Waxing and Body Treatments
Grand Opening in Eagle Point exclusive deals for Eagle Point residents - Get ready for summer with a Bikini & Leg Wax only $59.00 or try a chemical peel 50% off when you book online www.thedermaloft.com or 205-314-5758.
Pressure Washing
Thank you to everyone in Eagle Point who has used the services of Washed Pressure Washing, a locally owned pressure washing business. If you have any pressure washing needs please contact us at 202-9274 or [email protected]. We offer free quotes and superior service. Thank you again to everyone who has chosen Washed Pressure Washing over the past 2 years!
Envirocare Pest and Lawn Services
Envirocare Pest and Lawn Services now offers our much needed mosquito control! If interested, please call Kevin Wedgworth, an Eagle Point resident, at 447~9394 or [email protected].
Take advantage of the Eagle Pointer and submit your ideas and items to [email protected] for an opportunity to reach your neighbors and the residents of the Eagle Point Community.
The next Board Meeting will be held Tuesday, June 11th at 6:00 p.m.
Deadline to appear in the next week’s Eagle Pointer: Wednesday by midnight.
We would appreciate any feedback on this newsletter! Please send a note to [email protected].
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