Eagle Pointer 10.05.2013
Eagle Pointer 9/30 - 10/5/2013
Free Day at the Landfill
Saturday, October 5, 2013, is declared as a "Free Day" in 2013 for residents, churches, civic groups and municipalities in Shelby County to dispose of...... Read on
Date: October 5, 2013
Time: 7:30 AM - 3:30 PM
Saturday, October 5, 2013, is declared as a "Free Day" for residents, churches, civic groups and municipalities in Shelby County to dispose of trash and debris at the Shelby County Landfill at no charge. This is to be residential household debris and limited to one ton trucks/trailers or less for residents of Shelby County. All municipal initiatives or projects on these dates that involve contract haulers will be allowed to participate as long as prior approval is obtained through Shelby County Environmental Services and each applicable waste transport vehicle displays the county assigned access placard. The access placard shall be displayed in the front window of each approved vehicle.
A link to the Shelby County landfill web site: http://al-shelbycounty.civicplus.com/index.aspx?nid=253
Electrician Needed
The HOA is seeking an electrician to work on minor tasks such as repairing landscape lighting and irrigation controls. We would appreciate any referrals from homeowners. Electricians must be licensed and insured. Please send recommendations to [email protected].
Safety and Security
The EPHOA has developed the Realtime Security Alert System (RSAS) to quickly communicate potential safety and security-related issues to the residents of Eagle Point. The RSAS enables users to receive SMS text messages or emails related to street names in Eagle Point subdivision, as such notices are published on the website of the Shelby County Sheriff’s Office Dispatch Log (http://shelbyso.com/ or http://dispatchlog.shelbyal.com). The RSAS continuously monitors the ShelbySO Dispatch Log for activity involving street names in Eagle Point subdivision, and automatically sends Alerts via SMS text message to the EPHOA Safety & Security Monitors. The Monitors will immediately assess the content of the Alert and use judgment and established priority guidelines to determine whether to broadcast the Alert to the entire Network. Eagle Point residents may log in at the homepage (http://www.ephoa.org/) and click on the link at the top labeled "ALERTS RSAS" to review terms of use and subscribe to the RSAS.
Neighbor to Neighbor
Two yard sale signs went missing during the evening after last Saturday's (Sept. 28) neighborhood sale. The large signs were commissioned and purchased by an individual homeowner to advertise "Yard Sale at The Crest" because the area is often overlooked during yard sale day. They were posted at the intersection of Eagle Point Parkway and Eagle Point Drive (at Golf Course) and in front of Eagle Trace - Talon Lane. If anyone knows the whereabouts of the signs, please contact Amie at [email protected] or 314.5793, or you can anonomously place them outside of YourOffice on Eagle Point Corporate Drive. Thank you.
For Sale:
Alpine 12" Type R Subwoofer with box and 500 watt Alpine amplifier. $300.00 OBO. Please contact ......
Take advantage of the Eagle Pointer and submit your ideas and items to [email protected] for an opportunity to reach your neighbors and the residents of the Eagle Point Community.
The next Board Meeting will be held Tuesday, October 8th at 6:00 p.m.
Deadline to appear in the next week’s Eagle Pointer: Monday by midnight.
We would appreciate any feedback on this newsletter! Please send a note to [email protected].
The mission of the Eagle Point Homeowners Association is to enhance the quality of life in our neighborhood by facilitating the safety, security, and social interaction of all our residents. The further mission is to increase the property values of individual homes through community improvements and maintenance while supporting our board of directors through volunteering our time and talents to accomplish these goals.
Eagle Pointer 10.12.2013
Eagle Pointer 10/6 – 10/12/2013
Waste Pro
Neighbors –
There are several trashcans out today, Monday 10/7/13, in accordance with the letter that was attached to your new trash can from WastePro.
WastePro’s notice incorrectly informed you of a change in service day. Eagle Point’s service day will CONTINUE to be on TUESDAY. Please disregard the notice that was attached to the new can and plan for TUESDAY service each week.
The HOA sent a notice to all Eagle Pointer subscribers last Monday explaining the confusion and attached a note from WastePro. That note is below for reference again.
If you have a neighbor who put their can out today please make sure they get the message about TUESDAY service.
Again we apologize for the misinformation from WastePro and any inconvenience this may have caused. Please remember not to put your cans out before 8:00 PM on Monday and to have them put away by 8:00 PM Tuesday.
"I would like to apologize for any confusion or inconvenience caused during the conversion for the residential waste collection services. The service day for Eagle Point is on Tuesday. Waste Pro will begin services tomorrow, Tuesday October 1. Should you have any questions, you may contact us at (205) 605-0800 or at www.wasteprousa.com."
Scott Corley
District Manager
Property Development
As you have probably noticed there are several lots in Eagle Point that are actively being improved. The board needs your help in monitoring these 14 lots in Eagle Point that have recently been purchased by Conner Farmer with Highpointe Properties.
Highpointe Properties is doing site prep to these lots with the hope of selling them to a builder to construct new homes. These lots are located throughout Eagle Point. Please be observant as you come and go from the neighborhood and let the HOA office know if you see anything that looks out of the ordinary. Please report equipment blocking roads, run off in the street, broken curbs or signage, etc . . .
The HOA has talked to Mr. Farmer several times and he is aware of The Neighborhood Covenants and says he will abide by them.
Below are a few photos of the lots and their improvements. Please email the HOA if you see something that does not look right or if you have any questions about the development and we will try to answer them.
Board Vacancies
The Eagle Point HOA Board has two vacancies for two-year terms starting in 2014. Volunteers with various areas of expertise are great resources to make our community a better place to live. If you are interested, please submit your name by October 25th to Eagle Point Homeowners Association at [email protected].
Electrician Needed
The HOA is seeking an electrician to work on minor tasks such as repairing landscape lighting and irrigation controls. We would appreciate any referrals from homeowners. Electricians must be licensed and insured. Please send recommendations to [email protected].
Neighbor to Neighbor
For Sale:
Cherry entertainment center that holds a 32 inch TV. Call Nancy .........
Upright freezer. Does anyone have a freezer that they no longer need? I am looking for one that is in good condition and reasonably priced. Please call Libby at ........
Take advantage of the Eagle Pointer and submit your ideas and items to [email protected] for an opportunity to reach your neighbors and the residents of the Eagle Point Community.
The next Board Meeting will be held Tuesday, November 12th at 6:00 p.m.
Deadline to appear in the next week’s Eagle Pointer: Monday by midnight.
We would appreciate any feedback on this newsletter. Please send a note to [email protected].
The mission of the Eagle Point Homeowners Association is to enhance the quality of life in our neighborhood by facilitating the safety, security, and social interaction of all our residents. The further mission is to increase the property values of individual homes through community improvements and maintenance while supporting our board of directors through volunteering our time and talents to accomplish these goals.
Eagle Pointer 10.19.2013
Eagle Pointer 10/13 - 10/19/2013
Brookwood ER on U.S. 280 has clear path after Supreme Court decision
NORTH SHELBY — After five years, Brookwood Medical Center has a clear path to open its long-planned freestanding emergency room on U.S. 280. On Oct. 11, the Alabama Supreme Court refused to hear arguments from Trinity Medical Center attorneys against allowing the freestanding ER to open. That Supreme Court refusal effectively exhausted the potential legal challenges against the freestanding ER, according to Brookwood spokesperson Stephen Preston. “This is something we’ve been working on for almost 10 years now,” Preston said. “We look forward to moving forward as quickly as possible on construction.”
Medication Disposal
Shelby County residents can safely dispose of expired or unwanted prescription and over-the-counter medication by giving them to authorities on Oct. 26th, from 10am-2pm, at various locations (which are also mentioned in the article below) throughout Shelby County.
Mailbox Scrolls
The EPHOA has purchased an allotment of "S Scrolls" for mailboxes which are missing the part. Our local mailbox vendor, Alabama Mailbox Company, has provided the scrolls to Eagle Point at a discount. You may pick up a scroll from the YourOffice, 4000 Eagle Point Corp. You can also contact the HOA at [email protected] or 314.5793. Payment of $30.00 should be made to Eagle Point Homeowners Association. The regular price for this part is $40.00. Installation can be provided upon request. Please help us improve the appearance of Eagle Point!
Fall Festival
Don’t forget the upcoming Fall Festival October 27th from 2:00 – 5:00 pm. There will be many vendors and fun for everyone.
Street Lamps
Please call the HOA office 314.5793 or email [email protected] to report street lamps that are not functioning properly. The lamps are leased on a corporate account by Eagle Point HOA. Alabama Power is responsible for promptly repairing these lamps.
Neighbor to Neighbor
Hampton Inn & Suites
Do you have out of town family coming for Thanksgiving or Christmas? Not enough bedrooms for you all? Don't stress out, Hampton Inn & Suites has you covered!!! Hampton Inn & Suites Eagle Point offers special low rates for the Holiday Season for Eagle Point residents. Please call (205) 981-0024 to let them help you with your reservations.
Take advantage of the Eagle Pointer and submit your ideas and items to [email protected] for an opportunity to reach your neighbors and the residents of the Eagle Point Community.
The next Board Meeting will be held Tuesday, November 12th at 6:00 p.m.
Deadline to appear in the next week’s Eagle Pointer: Monday by midnight.
We would appreciate any feedback on this email! Please send a note to [email protected].
The mission of the Eagle Point Homeowners Association is to enhance the quality of life in our neighborhood by facilitating the safety, security, and social interaction of all our residents. The further mission is to increase the property values of individual homes through community improvements and maintenance while supporting our board of directors through volunteering our time and talents to accomplish these goals.
Eagle Pointer 10.26.2013
Eagle Pointer 10/20 - 10/26/2013
Fall Festival this Sunday from 2:00 – 5:00 p.m!
Come join the residents of Eagle Point for our annual Fall Festival! There will be many businesses along with area restaurants to peruse.
Business Expo. Featuring businesses owned by Eagle Point residents and the Eagle Point office park.
Ann Taylor
Premier Designs Jewelry
Alabama Medical Solutions (CPR Training)
Shelby County EMA
LAH Real Estate with Allen Young
Meredith Rowlen Photography
iFix and Repair
Legacy Realty with Kellie Gragg
Hampton Inn 280E/Eagle Point
Window Décor
ReefLife Aquariums
Eagle Point Golf Club
Eagle Point Golf Association
Taste of Eagle Point. Please show your appreciation by visiting their locations.
Edgars Bakery
The Funky Muffin A Gluten Free Bakery
Kid Friendly Activities with:
Winn Dixie/Inverness Corners-cooking decorating
Face painting, balloons with Dazzle the Clown, pumpkin decorating, and from Fun Source: Backyard Maze, 3 in 1 Bounce/Climb/Slide, and Jonah and the Whale Wind Tunnel
Pet Friendly Activities with:
Shelby Humane Society
Cahaba Beach Dog Park
Hollywood Feed
Waste Management
Those residents still with a Waste Management garbage can must call Waste Management at 205-841-2740 and someone will come and pick it up. Do not leave it on the street.
Trash Pick Up
Remember to have your trash cans out by 8:00 p.m. on Monday night. The following dates are for Recycling pick up: October 29th, November 12th and 26th, December 10th and 24th.
Mailbox Scrolls
The EPHOA has purchased an allotment of "S Scrolls" for mailboxes which are missing the part. Our local mailbox vendor, Alabama Mailbox Company, has provided the scrolls to Eagle Point at a discount. You may pick up a scroll from the YourOffice, 4000 Eagle Point Corp. You can also contact the HOA at [email protected] or 314.5793. Payment of $30.00 should be made to Eagle Point Homeowners Association. The regular price for this part is $40.00. Installation can be provided upon request. Please help us improve the appearance of Eagle Point!
Neighbor to Neighbor
Oak Mountain T-shirts for Sale
OMES Short Sleeve tshirts- $20.00
Adult size medium (4 remaining)
Adult size large (5 remaining)
Contact: Morgan........
Interior Decorator located here in Eagle Point!
Residential remodeling, paint color changes, window treatments, fabric selections, flooring and rugs, accessories, furniture installation and arrangement, lighting selections, kitchen and bathroom upgrades, for newly constructed and existing homes. Free Decorator Consultation, Tricia .......
For Sale:
For Sale Regulation Air Hockey Table; 4ft x 7ft Table with Arch Score Board; All hardware is with table
Works Perfectly $175.00; Contact Shannon at .....
Take advantage of the Eagle Pointer and submit your ideas and items to [email protected] for an opportunity to reach your neighbors and the residents of the Eagle Point Community.
The next Board Meeting will be held Tuesday, November 12th at 6:00 p.m.
Deadline to appear in the next week’s Eagle Pointer: Monday by midnight.
We would appreciate any feedback on this newsletter! Please send a note to [email protected].
The mission of the Eagle Point Homeowners Association is to enhance the quality of life in our neighborhood by facilitating the safety, security, and social interaction of all our residents. The further mission is to increase the property values of individual homes through community improvements and maintenance while supporting our board of directors through volunteering our time and talents to accomplish these goals.
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