Eagle Pointer 06.07.2014
Eagle Pointer 5/31 - 6/7/2014
We’d like to thank our residents who helped with voting at Asbury United Methodist Church on Tuesday.
If you are an Eagle Point resident and would like to advertise your business in our Welcome Packets to our new neighbors, please contact the office at 205-314-5793 or email [email protected].
Volunteers needed for HOA
Eagle Point is currently experiencing an extraordinary amount of activity in lot development, home construction, home improvements, storm water runoff and flooding, and covenant violations. The volunteer Board and Architectural Review and Control Committee are seeking volunteers to help monitor, review, and make recommendations for current and future issues. Background or knowledge in any of these areas would be especially helpful: residential architecture and construction, construction permitting, civil and geotechnical engineering, storm water runoff, and real estate law. We need assistance in order to prevent recurrence of some significant issues we have experienced in the past few years. We believe most homeowners desire to maintain and improve the safety and security, beauty, social interaction, and overall quality of life in Eagle Point.
The Eagle Point Protective Covenants can be reviewed at: http://ephoa.org/sites/default/files/Restatement%20of%20Covenants.pdf
Please email us at [email protected] if you are interested in contributing some of your time.
Neighbor to Neighbor
Eagle Point Pet Sitter available! Book dates for your pet's care for your summer vacation now! Service includes bringing mail in/garbage cans in/out, water plants. Affordable and dependable adult.
Call your resident neighborhood pet sitter at 205-266-6135 today!
My name is Holden ....... I am 18 years old and looking for any opportunities to do yard work over the summer. I am available any day of the week and will work around your schedule. Please give me a call at 205-...-.... if you are interested.
Take advantage of the Eagle Pointer and submit your ideas and items to [email protected] for an opportunity to reach your neighbors and the residents of the Eagle Point Community.
The next Board Meeting will be held Monday, June 9th at 6:00 p.m.
Deadline to appear in the next week’s Eagle Pointer: Monday by midnight.
We would appreciate any feedback on this newsletter. Please send a note to [email protected]. If you would rather not receive this email, please let us know, and we will remove you from the mailing list. You can still see them in the archives on the website on www.ephoa.org.
The mission of the Eagle Point Homeowners Association is to enhance the quality of life in our neighborhood by facilitating the safety, security, and social interaction of all our residents. The further mission is to increase the property values of individual homes through community improvements and maintenance while supporting our board of directors through volunteering our time and talents to accomplish these goals.
Eagle Pointer 06.14.2014
Eagle Pointer 6/8 - 6/14/2014
Neighbor to Neighbor
Business Advertising
Are you interested in advertising your business to new Eagle Point residents? The Eagle Point HOA is forming a Welcome Committee to personally greet new residents in the neighborhood. The Welcome Committee will be distributing packages containing participating business coupons or gift certificates, among other important information. This is a great opportunity to bring awareness of your business to new residents. If you are interested in participating, please email [email protected].
Cfood Express
Cfood Express is going to the gulf weekly and will deliver to your door. Call Clay 586-9774 •Jumbo shrimp $12.00 lb.
•Large shrimp $10.50 lb
•Grouper / Snapper- $16.50 lb.
•Cobia / Flounder/ Mahi /Amberjack/ Trigger $14.00 lb
Local Business
One2One Physical Therapy is a new business located in the Eagle Point office park. Owner, Kaye Sharp promotes overall wellness. For this reason, she is organizing a Manna Market (organic, non-GMO, mostly locally grown) produce drop off for Eagle Point. Six members are required to create a new dropoff location. If you are interested, please email [email protected]. Descriptions of the packages and the prices are available at http://www.mannamkt.com/ordering.html and the order form may be found at http://nebula.wsimg.com/e4a2138b65f762e658a8cb4cf8fa44fc?AccessKeyId=44602067E4372BC49B38&disposition=0&alloworigin=1 or you may pick one up at the EPHOA office.
For Sale:
We have a Spirit XR895 Recumbent Bicycle that is about 4 1/2 years old that we have stored inside a bedroom and no longer need. Features include, heart rate monitor, built in fan, different programs to choose, very quiet. Paid $1399. Great condition! Will sell for $399 or best offer. Can email picture. Thank you. C. Wilson. [email protected] or ...-....
New Alabama license plate found on hill leading to The Crest. Contact Michelle at 542-7473 to reclaim
Summer Job Needed
• My name is Jake ......... and I’m available for yard work and pet care. Contact me at ...-....5
• My name is Holden ......., I am 18 years old and am looking for any opportunities to do yard work over the summer. I am also interested in pet care and repainting mailboxes. I am available any day of the week and will work around your schedule. Please give me a call at 205-...-.... if you are interested.
Baby and Pet Sitting
• Eagle Point Petsitter available! Book for your pet's care for your summer vacation now! Call your neighborhood pet sitter at 205-266-6135 today! Affordable and dependable adult.
• Summer Nanny/Babysitter available 3 to 4 days per week. College Student and longtime resident of Eagle Point. Please call Marcy Harris at 205-585-0529
• Hi, my name is Grace Key; I will be 16 this summer and would love to baby sit for you! Eagle Point resident. Have experience. Please call me at 420-2726
Take advantage of the Eagle Pointer and submit your ideas and items to [email protected] for an opportunity to reach your neighbors and the residents of the Eagle Point Community.
The next Board Meeting will be held Monday, June 16th at 6:00 p.m.
Deadline to appear in the next week’s Eagle Pointer: Monday by midnight.
We would appreciate any feedback on this newsletter. Please send a note to [email protected]. You can still see them in the archives on the website on www.ephoa.org.
The mission of the Eagle Point Homeowners Association is to enhance the quality of life in our neighborhood by facilitating the safety, security, and social interaction of all our residents. The further mission is to increase the property values of individual homes through community improvements and maintenance while supporting our board of directors through volunteering our time and talents to accomplish these goals.
Eagle Pointer 06.21.2014
Eagle Pointer 6/15 - 6/21/2014
Telephone Fraud Involving Jury Duty
(COLUMBIANA, AL) On Tuesday, June 17, 2014, the Shelby County Sheriff’s Office received numerous reports from local residents indicating each had received a phone call in which the party claimed to represent “The Shelby County Police Department.” The caller told our residents that each had failed to report for jury duty, and a warrant had been issued for his/her arrest. The caller then stated that he could accept payment for the fine over the telephone. The Shelby County Sheriff’s Office would like to warn the public that no officer of the court will ever solicit payment for a fine over the telephone. The Shelby County Sheriff’s Office does not collect fines or solicit money for any purpose. Furthermore, the local, and state judicial system does not contact residents by phone to ask for personal information such as your Social Security number, date of birth or credit card numbers. If you receive one of these phone calls, do not provide any personal or confidential information to these individuals, and do not offer payment over the telephone. If you have already been contacted and have already given out your personal information, please monitor your account statements and credit reports, and contact the Shelby County Sheriff’s Office. For further information, please review the warnings posted on the U.S. Courts website at www.uscourts.gov, "Newsroom" news article "WARNING: Bogus Phone Calls on Jury Service May lead to Fraud," August 19, 2005.
Volunteers needed for HOA.
Eagle Point is currently experiencing an extraordinary amount of activity in lot development, home construction, home improvements, stormwater runoff and flooding, and covenant violations. The volunteer Board and Architectural Review and Control Committee are seeking volunteers to help monitor, review, and make recommendations for current and future issues. Background or knowledge in any of these areas would be especially helpful: residential architecture and construction, construction permitting, civil and geotechnical engineering, stormwater runoff, and real estate law. We need assistance in order to prevent recurrence of some significant issues we have experienced in the past few years. We believe most homeowners desire to maintain and improve the safety and security, beauty, social interaction, and overall quality of life in Eagle Point.
The Eagle Point Protective Covenants can be reviewed at: http://ephoa.org/sites/default/files/Restatement%20of%20Covenants.pdf
Please email us at [email protected] if you are interested in contributing some of your time.
The Board has received a few notes recently concerning control of mosquitoes in the neighborhood, specifically near the lakes. All of the lakes and retention ponds are owned by the adjoining property owners, and as such are considered private property. There are (61) individual owners who own portions of the (6) ponds. The Board recommends that concerned residents should call Shelby County to have the affected areas sprayed for mosquitoes. Also, it may be sensible for a resident from each area act as champion for this issue. The contact number to request that Eagle Point be placed on the list to be sprayed for mosquitoes is 669.3737. In addition, please see this newsletter for helpful tips to reduce your mosquito problem.
Other information about controlling mosquitoes:
Mosquitoes require water to breed. Adult mosquitoes lay eggs in stagnant or slow moving water or on moist soil or leaf litter in areas likely to collect water. By eliminating these water sources, you can keep new generations of mosquitoes from taking up residence in your yard.
1. Dump anything that holds water twice per week if it has rained. Birdbaths, non-chlorinated wading pools, footbaths, garbage can lids, and pottery will all attract breeding mosquitoes. Remember to empty the saucers under your flower pots, and don't leave water in pet bowls for more than two days.
2. Remove stagnant water and places where it can collect, such as old tires, birdbaths, clogged gutters, buckets, watering cans and uncovered boats. Even a thimble full of standing water can be used as a breeding ground. Store containers upside down to prevent water from collecting in them or put them in the shed.
3. Drill holes in the bottom, not the sides, of any garbage or recycling containers stored outdoors. Holes on the sides still allow enough water to accumulate in the bottom for mosquitoes to breed.
4. Keep gutters clean and unclogged. Be sure your downspouts drain properly, without leaving puddles in the drainage area. You may need to reroute your downspouts or add extensions to carry water away.
5. Keep swimming pools cleaned and chlorinated, even when not in use. Homeowners who go on vacation without chlorinating their pools may return to a veritable mosquito hatchery.
6. Walk your property after a rain, and look for areas in the landscape that are not draining well. If you find puddles that remain for four or more days, regrade the area.
7. Keep your yard well manicured, as shrubs and overgrowth are the perfect hiding place for resting mosquitoes.
8. Cluster plants that naturally repel mosquitoes, such as scented geraniums, marigolds, lavender, garlic, basil or mint. Plant near doors, on the deck, in window boxes and around the perimeter of the yard.
9. Install a paddle fan on a covered porch. The fan keeps the air moving and the mosquitoes at bay. You can use an oscillating fan as well.
10. Fill tiki torches with citronella oil to repel mosquitoes. Citronella candles can help as well.
Neighbor to Neighbor
Business Advertising
Are you interested in advertising your business to new Eagle Point residents? The Eagle Point HOA is forming a Welcome Committee to personally greet new residents in the neighborhood. The Welcome Committee will be distributing packages containing participating business coupons or gift certificates, among other important information. This is a great opportunity to bring awareness of your business to new residents. If you are interested in participating, please email [email protected].
Cfood Express
Cfood Express is going to the gulf weekly and will deliver to your door. Call Clay 586-9774 •Jumbo shrimp $12.00 lb.
• Large shrimp $10.50 lb
• Grouper / Snapper- $16.50 lb.
• Cobia / Flounder/ Mahi /Amberjack/ Trigger $14.00 lb; Local Business
One2One Physical Therapy is a new business located in the Eagle Point office park. Owner, Kaye Sharp promotes overall wellness. For this reason, she is organizing a Manna Market (organic, non-GMO, mostly locally grown) produce drop off for Eagle Point. Six members are required to create a new dropoff location. If you are interested, please email [email protected]. Descriptions of the packages and the prices are available at http://www.mannamkt.com/ordering.html and the order form may be found at http://nebula.wsimg.com/e4a2138b65f762e658a8cb4cf8fa44fc?AccessKeyId=44602067E4372BC49B38&disposition=0&alloworigin=1 or you may pick one up at the EPHOA office.
Used Car:
Looking for a good and reliable used car for my daughter starting college. Please call me at 205-...-.... or email Bernard .... at [email protected]
Summer Job Needed
• My name is Jake .......... and I’m available for yard work and pet care. Contact me at ...-....
• My name is Holden ......., I am 18 years old and am looking for any opportunities to do yard work over the summer. I am also interested in pet care and repainting mailboxes. I am available any day of the week and will work around your schedule. Please give me a call at 205-482-1433 if you are interested.
Baby and Pet Sitting
• Eagle Point Petsitter available! Book for your pet's care for your summer vacation now! Call your neighborhood pet sitter at 205-...-.... today! Affordable and dependable adult.
• Summer Nanny/Babysitter available 3 to 4 days per week. College Student and longtime resident of Eagle Point. Please call Marcy ...... at 205-...-....
• Hi, my name is Grace ...; I will be 16 this summer and would love to baby sit for you! Eagle point resident. Have experience. Please call me at ...-....
Take advantage of the Eagle Pointer and submit your ideas and items to [email protected] for an opportunity to reach your neighbors and the residents of the Eagle Point Community.
The next Board Meeting will be held Monday, July 14th at 6:00 p.m.
Deadline to appear in the next week’s Eagle Pointer: Monday by midnight.
We would appreciate any feedback on this newsletter. Please send a note to [email protected]. You can still see them in the archives on the website on www.ephoa.org.
The mission of the Eagle Point Homeowners Association is to enhance the quality of life in our neighborhood by facilitating the safety, security, and social interaction of all our residents. The further mission is to increase the property values of individual homes through community improvements and maintenance while supporting our board of directors through volunteering our time and talents to accomplish these goals.
Eagle Pointer 06.28.2014
Eagle Pointer 6/22 - 6/28/2014
The EPHOA routinely receives complaints regarding speeding vehicles in our neighborhood. If you encounter any dangerous driving that should be dealt with immediately, please call the Shelby County Sheriff's department at 669-4181. Otherwise, please record the date and time of incident along with the driver's tag number and submit this information to the EPHOA at [email protected]. The EPHOA will then submit this information to the Sheriff. We believe that encouraging all residents to participate in the neighborhood watch will improve safety in Eagle Point.
"The Shelby County Sheriff's Office has increased patrols in Eagle Point due to frequent occurrences of wreckless driving. One of the immediate actions by the the HOA and Sheriff's Office is to place a radar speed sign in the neighborhood to remind drivers of their speed compared to the 25 mph speed limit."
Neighbor to Neighbor
For Sale:
Weber charcoal round grill with lid 14 inch diameter. New never been used. Perfect for apartment patio. Paid $50 asking price $40. Call ...-.... and leave message or email [email protected]
A child's Alabama dress was found in the street in front of my house on Eagle Valley Drive. I can be reached at ...-.... (Cindy).
Found Dog:
Elderly female dog found in the Eagle Trace subdivision. She has black/dark brown fur and grey muzzle. If this is your dog please call 727-...-..... She looks to be a lab mix.
Business Advertising
Are you interested in advertising your business to new Eagle Point residents? The Eagle Point HOA is forming a Welcome Committee to personally greet new residents in the neighborhood. The Welcome Committee will be distributing packages containing participating business coupons or gift certificates, among other important information. This is a great opportunity to bring awareness of your business to new residents. If you are interested in participating, please email [email protected].
Local Business
My name is ... ......, I am 16 and have lived in Eagle Point for the past 7 years. I have launched a small lawn care business. I am seeking year-round lawn care opportunities in Eagle Point and surrounding areas. I am hard working, dependable, and have my own equipment and transportation. If you or someone you know is looking for this service please contact me at 205-...-..... I will be glad to set up a time to look at your yard and provide you with a fair quote. (I also offer pressure washing of driveways and walkways).
Cfood Express
Cfood Express is going to the gulf weekly and will deliver to your door. Call Clay 586-9774 •Jumbo shrimp $12.00 lb.
• Large shrimp $10.50 lb
• Grouper / Snapper- $16.50 lb.
• Cobia / Flounder/ Mahi /Amberjack/ Trigger $14.00 lb
Local Business
One2One Physical Therapy is a new business located in the Eagle Point office park. Owner, Kaye Sharp promotes overall wellness. For this reason, she is organizing a Manna Market (organic, non-GMO, mostly locally grown) produce drop off for Eagle Point. Six members are required to create a new dropoff location. If you are interested, please email [email protected]. Descriptions of the packages and the prices are available at http://www.mannamkt.com/ordering.html and the order form may be found at http://nebula.wsimg.com/e4a2138b65f762e658a8cb4cf8fa44fc?AccessKeyId=44602067E4372BC49B38&disposition=0&alloworigin=1 or you may pick one up at the EPHOA office.
Summer Job Needed
• My name is Jake .......... and I’m available for yard work and pet care. Contact me at ...-....
• My name is Holden ......, I am 18 years old and am looking for any opportunities to do yard work over the summer. I am also interested in pet care and repainting mailboxes. I am available any day of the week and will work around your schedule. Please give me a call at 205-482-1433 if you are interested.
Baby and Pet Sitting
• Eagle Point Petsitter available! Book for your pet's care for your summer vacation now! Call your neighborhood pet sitter at 205-...-.... today! Affordable and dependable adult.
• Summer Nanny/Babysitter available 3 to 4 days per week. College Student and longtime resident of Eagle Point. Please call Marcy ...... at 205-...-....
• Hi, my name is Grace ...; I will be 16 this summer and would love to baby sit for you! Eagle point resident. Have experience. Please call me at ...-....
Take advantage of the Eagle Pointer and submit your ideas and items to [email protected] for an opportunity to reach your neighbors and the residents of the Eagle Point Community.
The next Board Meeting will be held Monday, July 14th at 6:00 p.m.
Deadline to appear in the next week’s Eagle Pointer: Monday by midnight.
We would appreciate any feedback on this newsletter. Please send a note to [email protected]. You can still see them in the archives on the website on www.ephoa.org.
The mission of the Eagle Point Homeowners Association is to enhance the quality of life in our neighborhood by facilitating the safety, security, and social interaction of all our residents. The further mission is to increase the property values of individual homes through community improvements and maintenance while supporting our board of directors through volunteering our time and talents to accomplish these goals.
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